A. 投資信託全体 Investment Trusts
統計名 Statistics |
直近 Data |
時系列データ Long-Term Time-Series Data |
最新データ年月 Detail |
月次 Monthly |
年次 Annually |
A-1 |
投資信託概況(1月中) Monthly Review 過去データ (Past data) |
57 K | - | - | 2025/01 |
A-2 |
投資信託の全体像(純資産総額・ファンド本数) Total Net Assets-Structure of Investment Trusts 過去データ (Past data) |
17 K | - | - | 2025/01 |
A-3 |
投資信託全体の純資産総額 Total Net Assets-Structure of Investment Trusts |
- | 11 K | 8 K | 2024/12 |
A-4 |
販売態別純資産残高の状況 Total Net Assets of Investment Trusts of Contractual Type by Distribution Channel |
- | 142 K | 34 K | 2025/01 |
A-5 |
主要通貨別株式売買状況(公募+私募) Changes in Transaction by Currency(Total) |
- | 295 K | 109 K | 2024/12 |
A-6 |
┗ 主要通貨別株式売買状況(公募) Changes in Transaction by Currency(Publicly offered) |
- | 291 K | 111 K | 2024/12 |
A-7 |
┗ 主要通貨別株式売買状況(私募) Changes in Transaction by Currency(Privately placed) |
- | 282 K | 109 K | 2024/12 |
A-8 |
株式売買状況 国内株式 Portfolio Stock Transactions Domestic Stock |
- | 45 K | 2024/12 | |
A-9 |
株式売買状況 外国株式 Portfolio Stock Transactions Foreign Stock |
- | 47 K | 2024/12 |
B. 公募投資信託 Publicly Offered Investment Trusts
統計名 Statistics |
直近 Data |
時系列データ Long-Term Time-Series Data |
最新データ年月 Detail |
月次 Monthly |
年次 Annually |
B-1 |
資産増減状況 Changes in Assets of Publicly Offered Investment Trusts of Contractual Type |
11 K | 410 K | 107 K | 2025/01 |
B-2 |
資産増減状況 株式投信の商品分類内訳 Changes in Assets of Publicly Offered Investment Trusts of Contractual Type Total Net Assets of Publicly Offered Stock Investment Trusts by Investment Objective |
15 K | 367 K | 128 K | 2025/01 |
B-3 |
運用会社別資産増減状況 Changes in Assets of Publicly Offered Investment Trusts of Contractual Type by each Management Company 過去データ (Past data) |
39 K | - | - | 2025/01 |
B-4 |
元本状況 Principals of Publicly Offered Investment Trusts of Contractual Type(Par Value) Changes in Outstanding Amount |
- | 24 K | 2024/12 | |
B-5 |
元本状況 残高の属性別状況(中国F,MMF) Principals of Publicly Offered Investment Trusts of Contractual Type(Par Value) Type of Investors (Medium-term Government Securities Fund, Money Management Fund) |
- | 31 K | 2025/01 | |
B-6 |
純資産総額の構成(国内、外貨建合計分) Distribution of Assets of Publicly Offered Investment Trusts of Contractual Type Total Net Assets |
13 K | 399 K | 100 K | 2025/01 |
B-7 |
┗ 余資、その他有価証券内訳 Call loans, etc. |
- | 71 K | 25 K | 2025/01 |
B-8 |
外貨建純資産総額の構成 Distribution of Assets of Publicly Offered Investment Trusts of Contractual Type Net Assets(Foreign Currency - denominated Assets) |
12 K | 24 K | 12 K | 2025/01 |
B-9 |
外貨建純資産総額における通貨別の構成 Distribution of Assets of Publicly Offered Investment Trusts of Contractual Type Foreign Currency-Denominated Assets |
16 K | 394 K | 133 K | 2025/01 |
B-10 |
┗ ユーロ内訳(発行体別) Breakdown of participating countries in Euro |
10 K | 31 K | 12 K | 2025/01 |
B-11 |
信託財産組入株式業種別明細表 Investment Trust Portfolios According to Stock - holdings by Industries 過去データ (Past data) |
14 K | - | - | 2025/01 |
B-12 |
信託財産組入株式業種別明細表(時価構成比) Investment Trust Portfolios According to Stock-holdings by Industries (Percentage calculated by Market Value) |
- | 28 K | 2025/01 | |
B-13 |
公社債の種類別残高明細表 Classification by Kinds of Public and Corporate Bonds |
- | 33 K | 2024/12 | |
B-14 |
新規設定ファンドの本数 Number of publicly offered funds newly launched |
- | 16 K | 2024/12 | |
B-15 |
債券売買状況 国内債券 Portfolio Bond Transactions Domestic Bonds |
- | 17 K | 2024/12 | |
B-16 |
債券売買状況 外国債券 Portfolio Bond Transactions Foreign Bonds |
- | 16 K | 2024/12 | |
B-17 |
受益証券募集状況 申込金額別分布状況 Distribution of Beneficial Certificate Holders (Initial Offering) of Publicly Offered Investment Trusts of Contractual Type Sizes of Numbers |
- | 70 K | 2024/12 | |
B-18 |
受益証券募集状況 機関別の分布状況 Distribution of Beneficial Certificate Holders (Initial Offering) of Publicly Offered Investment Trusts of Contractual Type Types of Investors |
- | 57 K | 2024/12 |
C. 私募投資信託 Privately Placed Investment Trusts
統計名 Statistics |
直近 Data |
時系列データ Long-Term Time-Series Data |
最新データ年月 Detail |
月次 Monthly |
年次 Annually |
C-1 |
資産増減状況 Changes in Assets of Privately Placed Investment Trusts |
11 K | 93 K | 24 K | 2025/01 |
C-2 |
商品分類 Classification of Privately Placed Investment Trusts |
- | 104 K | - | 2025/01 |
C-3 |
運用会社別資産増減状況 Changes in Assets of Privately Placed Investment Trusts of Contractual Type by each Management Company 過去データ (Past data) |
31 K | - | - | 2025/01 |
D. 不動産投資信託 Real Estate Investment Companies
統計名 Statistics |
時系列データ Long-Term Time-Series Data |
最新データ年月 Detail |
D-1 |
公募不動産投信の月末資産増減状況 Changes in Assets of Publicly Offered Real Estate Investment Trusts |
25 K | 2024/12 |
D-2 |
私募不動産投信の月末資産増減状況 Changes in Assets of Privately Placed Real Estate Investment Trusts |
24 K | 2024/12 |
D-3 |
公募不動産投信の組入不動産全体の状況(保有状況) Property Data of Publicly Offered Real Estate Investment Trusts |
66 K | 2024/12 |
D-4 |
公募不動産投信の資産売買状況 Trading Assets of Publicly Offered Real Estate Investment Trusts |
21 K | 2024/12 |
D-5 |
公募不動産投信の募集・売出し等の状況 Capitalization of Publicly Offered Real Estate Investment Trusts |
18 K | 2024/12 |
D-6 |
公募不動産投信の財務状況(収益分配状況) Distribution of Publicly Offered Real Estate Investment Trusts |
224 K | 2024/12 |